24hr immediate response
Pre-Lock - Alarm.com
| Alarm.com |

Alarm.com is trusted by over 5 million people to protect their homes and businesses.  Pre-lock is proud of our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and work relentlessly every day to earn that trust together with Alarm.com.

More than just a smart app or a cool thermostat, Alarm.com seamlessly connects the key devices in your home on one simple secure platform so they work together and work smarter than any other service provider.

Each of our systems are truly custom designed to your home's unique configuration and your security needs in mind.

With Alarm.com we can configure rules so your home responds automatically in an emergency to keep you safe and sound.

Your home's key devices, like carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, as well as your heating and AC system, are connected wirelessly to the security system.

Let us show you how we can make your home Smart Today!!

Call Us at (416) 773-5625